Green Eagle Car Wash

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Services & Packages

Exterior Wash Only

Exterior Wash Only

Service Description

 *Exterior Hand ECO WASH (Uses 99% less water than the standard car wash)

*Premium synthetic wax

*Door jams cleaned

*Exterior Windows Cleaned

Every vehicle we clean is hand washed, dried, and waxed!

1 hour approx.


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Level 1: Exterior & Interior Services

Level 1: Exterior & Interior Services

About Service

Level 1: Car Exterior and Interior

*Exterior Hand ECO WASH (Uses 99% less water than the standard car wash).

*Door jams cleaned and waxed

*Exterior Windows Cleaned

*Rims & Wheels Cleaned

*Tire Shine and Dressing

*Premium Carnauba Hand Wax Exterior

*Every vehicle we clean is hand washed, dried, and waxed!

Interior Basic Cleaning Including:

*Vacuuming of floor and seats

*Windows Cleaned Inside & Out

*Cupholders and center console cleaned

*Dashboard and Interior Plastic Trim Wiped Down

*Side doors wiped

*See Level 2 for even more Interior and Exterior options including carpet shampooing, stain removals, and more! 

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us within 12 hours of your original appointment. 

2 hrs approx.


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Level 2: Exterior & Interior Services

Level 2: Exterior & Interior Services

Service Description

We come to YOU! Service Includes:

  • *Exterior Hand ECO-WASH (Uses 99% less water than the standard car wash cleaning method).
  • *Long Lasting Premium Polymer Hand Wax Exterior
  • *Exterior and Interior Windows Cleaned
  • *Water Repellent Formula Applied to Exterior Windows
  • *Tires Cleaned
  • *Aluminum and Chrome Polished
  • *Rims & Wheels Cleaned
  • * Tires Shined and Dressed Interior:
  • *Vacuuming of Seats and Floors
  • *Shampooing of Seats and Floors
  • *Stain Removal
  • *Windshield Cleaned
  • *Dashboard Cleaned, Restored, and applied with UV Ray protecting chemicals.
  • *Door side panels cleaned and is applied with UV Ray protecting chemicals.

3 hrs approx.


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Level 3: Exterior & Interior Services

Level 3: Exterior & Interior Services

About Service

Service Description


*Vacuuming of Seats and Floors

*Shampooing of Seats and Floors

*Stain Removal

*Steam Cleaning of Entire Interior (Bacteria Killing)

*Windshield Cleaned

*Dashboard Cleaned, Restored, and applied with UV Ray protecting chemicals.

*Door side panels cleaned and is applied with UV Ray protecting chemicals.

*Interior plastic Trim Restored Service Includes:

*Exterior Hand ECO-WASH (Uses 99% less water than the standard car wash cleaning method).

*Long Lasting Premium Polymer Hand Wax Exterior

*Long Lasting Premium Exterior Plastic Trim Restoration

*Exterior and Interior Windows Cleaned *Water Repellent Formula Applied to Exterior Windows

*Tires Cleaned

*Aluminum and Chrome Polished

*Rims & Wheels Cleaned

* Tires Shined and Dressed  

3 hrs approx.


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1 Year Exterior Sealant

1 Year Exterior Sealant

Similar to waxing, it also protects your car’s paint and gives it a nice shine akin to a mirror. However, it is chemically engineered to last much longer than waxing.

It's much more durable than natural waxes, and provides better protection from high temperatures, chemical detergents, acid rains, bird droppings, and mud.

2 hrs approx.


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3 Year Ceramic Coating

3 Year Ceramic Coating

*More durable than conventional wax or sealant

*Guards against harmful UV rays, & environmental contaminants

*Produces outrageous hydrophobic water beading action

*Use on paint, wheels, plastic and rubber trim, and chrome

*It also makes maintaining your paint much easier via the formula's self-cleaning properties that reduce dust and dirt adhesion.


Hand Wash & Dry Vehicle's paint

Decontamination of vehicle's paint

Iron Remover applied

2 Step Paint Correction (If applicable)

Ceramic Coating Applied

Duration: 5 Hours on Average 

4 hrs approx.


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6 Year System X Pro Ceramic Coating

6 Year System X Pro Ceramic Coating

System X Pro is an ultra-hydrophobic ceramic coating for automotive paint. Pro is a semi-permanent 9H self-cleaning coating with high gloss. Prohas passed rigorous  testing and has been evaluated for hardness as well as alkali and salt resistance by SGS laboratory.This ensures Pro is 100% safe for y... read more

System X Pro is an ultra-hydrophobic ceramic coating for automotive paint. Pro is a semi-permanent 9H self-cleaning coating with high gloss. Pro
has passed rigorous  testing and has been evaluated for hardness as well as alkali and salt resistance by SGS laboratory.
This ensures Pro is 100% safe for your paint, adheres on a molecular level, and withstands tough environmental conditions. Pro has a SIX YEAR
WARRANTY on automobiles

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5 hrs approx.


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8 Year System X Diamond Ceramic Coating

8 Year System X Diamond Ceramic Coating

System X Diamond is a thin, flexible, permanent 9H ceramic coating with previously unachievable durability and hydrophobic properties. Our  top-of-the-line low-maintenance self-cleaning coating is slick to the touch and imparts a deep gloss to paintwork. Diamond's unparalleled paint protection again... read more

System X Diamond is a thin, flexible, permanent 9H ceramic coating with previously unachievable durability and hydrophobic properties. Our 
 top-of-the-line low-maintenance self-cleaning coating is slick to the touch and imparts a deep gloss to paintwork. Diamond's unparalleled paint
 protection against environmental factors will keep your car looking better than new as long as you own it. 
Diamond has a LIFETIME WARRANTY on automobiles

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5 hrs approx.


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10 Year System X MAX Ceramic Coating

10 Year System X MAX Ceramic Coating

System X Max provides super-slick and glossy paint protection with previously unachievable levels of durability, hardness, and chemical resistance. Thicker than any coating, Max is ready to protect in the most extreme environments. System X Max has a LIFETIME WARRANTY on automobiles & motorcycle... read more

System X Max provides super-slick and glossy paint protection with previously unachievable levels of durability, hardness, and chemical
 resistance. Thicker than any coating, Max is ready to protect in the most extreme environments. System X Max has a LIFETIME WARRANTY on
 automobiles & motorcycles,

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5 hrs approx.


Select service

Address Details

Power available?

What is Your Vehicle's Condition?

What is Your Vehicle's Paint Condition?




What Tint Shade Do You Want?













5% REAR + 50% FRONT

5% REAR + 45% FRONT

5% REAR + 35% FRONT

5% REAR + 20% FRONT

5% REAR + 15% FRONT

15% REAR + 50% FRONT

15% REAR + 45% FRONT

15% REAR + 35% FRONT

20% REAR + 50% FRONT

20% REAR + 45% FRONT

20% REAR + 35% FRONT

45% REAR + 50% FRONT

35% REAR + 50% FRONT

70% REAR + 35% FRONT

overtop of factory tint

Do You Need Existing Tint Removed?

Yes, remove my old tint

Which PPF Coverage Would You Like?





Do Any of the Following Apply to Your Vehicle?

Pet Hair

Seat Stains

Water Spots

Smoke Smell

Sap or Tar

What is Your Vehicle's Oxidation Level?




What color are your seats?

What type of seats do you have?





Desired Date & Time

Choose a preferred date to check
Business Hours
  • Monday
    8:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • Tuesday
    8:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • Wednesday
    8:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • Thursday
    8:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • Friday
    8:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • Saturday
    8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Sunday

Secure appointment with a $ deposit

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Gift Cards Available

We have gift cards available ranging from $25 - $500 or choose a custom amount to make the perfect gift!

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Privacy & Data Collection Notice
Green Eagle Car Wash collects information such as your phone number or email in order to contact you regarding estimates, invoices, bookings and other business communications and promotions at various frequencies depending on your appointments, invoices etc. By submitting your information you are agreeing to receive messages from Green Eagle Car Wash on various intervals depending on your appointments schedules and followup reminders and that data rates may apply. You can also text HELP to get help at any time.

Your IP Address: is tracked for fraud prevention and security.