
Dashboard Stats

At the core of running a successful business and growing your detailing or tinting shop is statistics and keeping a close eye on your vital reports. The OrbisX CRM tracks all kinds of cool stuff like where your customers are coming from, which services are the most purchased, slowest days of the week, whether your bookings are up or down compared to last month and of course payments, expenses and more.

You have access to robust reports in your account if you want to do a deep-dive into your company’s performance yet it can be very beneficial to get a 5 minute rundown each day on key performance metrics. This is where the dashboard stats come in very handy so you can keep up with your growth and performance without spending a ton of time.

There are a lot of vital stats on the dashboard and it can seem overwhelming. It’s really quite straightforward once you understand each section and you will definitely love the quick stats once you see what’s going on. Check out the video below to learn more about each section, its importance and what it means for your business.